ID4 world premiere

first automotive commercial shot at our virtual production studio

Powered by Nature

The ID4 is the latest milestone for Volkswagen's “Go to Zero” campaign. For the world reveal, the ID4 was placed in various nature-themed virtual worlds to emphasise the relevance of carbon neutrality. The 5-seat crossover SUV draws its inspiration from nature’s resources and offers great range to accommodate your everyday travels.

behind the scenes

The medium is the Message

The ID4 premiere at the HYPERBOWL was the first virtual production for a car commercial worldwide. The HYPERBOWL stage is designed with surrounding LED panels. This is relevant as the emmissive panels allow for realistic lighting conditions and true reflections - especially in the car’s finish.

As a virtual medium, HYPERBOWL is extremely versatile; it enables quick changes of scenery just as reliably as endless sunsets or completely abstract fantasy worlds, which aren’t possible in non-virtual environments.

All of these advantages were leveraged for the Volkswagen commercial. In just a matter of two days we collected shots in ice-caves, forests, deserts and a cyberpunk-ish city.

The pace of the future is real-time

Real-time technology lowers production cost and increases return on investment. Processes that traditionally took weeks or even months can now be achieved in a matter of days. And there is more creative potential to unleash as the canvas size of possible communication strategies just increased by at least one order of magnitude.

Automotive clients (and others) can rest assured that real-time technology will become one of their greatest assets when designing advertising campaigns. It offers great flexibility and endless possibilities to frame their product, their vision and their brand.

Volkswagen AG
ACHT Frankfurt GmbH
Film Deluxe GmbH
NSYNK Gesellschaft für Kunst und Technik mbH, ACHT Frankfurt GmbH
Pete Schilling
Jan Prahl